Trees for Mother Earth
Do you know exactly how long it took Mother Earth to create the perfect tree? Wait, actually… neither do we. We’ll get back to you on that one. But we do know that the final conc- oction was so good, and that the benefits of planting trees are so amazing, that she branched out and made around 60,000 more versions! and reckon there are probably around 60,000 benefits of planting trees.
GD Foundation (Fully Financed and backed by United Petro Group) is planting 100 million native trees in India and Africa regions. We also creating “MINI FOREST “in every villages by using “MAYAWAKI” methods.
“PROJECT VIRUKSH” is planting native trees at every water bodies in and around that areas and every possible vacant land. We also planting trees by using both side of high ways. The most important is the foundation is employing village personals for taking care the trees up to 2 years.
Mini Forest: Creating tens of thousands mini forest in draught areas Innovated and pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, the Miyawaki technique is an effective, smart, and a sustainable way to build native, dense forests. What makes this renowned method so efficacious is its ability to ensure 10x faster plant growth and a plantation that is 30x denser than the traditional methods of growing forests. The secret to achieving these incredible results lies in planting dozens of native species close to each other. This leads to the growth of a forest that can become maintenance-free after the first two years!
The Miyawaki Forests technique has to potential to revolutionize the concept of urban afforestation in India.
Awareness program of planting trees at school age itself. GD Foundation arranges seminars, discussion forums, coemptions and preparing students from Kinder Garden. Our training programs to trainers to teach and demonstrate the importance of caring mother earth.
School Children is participating various programs towards preventing global warming and useful demonstrations for saving the mother earth. Small kids can influence with their parents and local neighborhoods. Simple technics makes huge difference.
As the name implies, solar energy is generated using the sun's powerful rays. Because sunlight is inexhaustible, solar energy is a valuable renewable energy source - directly generating heat, light and electricity.
Capable of According to the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL), the amount of energy from the sun that falls to the earth in one day could supply the entire world's energy needs for 27 years! Developing technologies that take advantage of the clean abundant energy of the sun is important to reducing greenhouse gasses and helping to stimulate the economy. There are two ways that sunlight can be converted to Directly as in the case of photovoltaic (PV) applications Indirectly as in the case of solar thermal applications
Solar thermal collectors capture heat from sunlight and use it in a variety of ways. High temperature thermal collectors utilize mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight, collect heat, and convert the heat into electricity. Most large utility scale solar facilities are designed in this way. On the other hand, low-temperature thermal collectors use heat directly for hot water or space heating for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.
Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight directly into electricity and are made of semiconductors such as: crystalline silicon or various thin-film materials. Photovoltaics can provide tiny amounts of power for watches, large and recognizable method for converting the sun's rays into amounts for the electric grid, and everything in between. Solar panels made up of PVicells are the most widespread electric power you might have even seen solar panels on homes and businesses in your neighborhood
Ventus Village Power provides continuous clean and green power for the entire village / Panjayat, generating new economic opportunities and income for the community. This is done through the use of
The Village Power model is structured to generalenergy using renewable resources like wind, solar, biomass and biogas -a combination that is guaranteed to address the power needs of the village, with a very low per capita investiment. Ventus's goal envisions villagers having access to affordable, reliable, clean and efficient energy, essential to creating avenbes for sustainable development. Village Power will jump start economic progress for communities that were either not served or under-served, by current energy delivery systems. It will also save the government additional expenses for creating added capacities and high distribution cost associated with the conventional power generation
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