GD Foundation

Home GD Foundation

GD Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization fully bac ked by UnitedPetro Group.

At UnitedPetro Group, we have a proud tradition of serving our communities. Through the UnitedPetro Connects program and targeted grant making, the Foundation supports organizations dedicated to improving the lives and livelihoods of our fellow global citizens.

We are currently supporting “Project Viruksh –Planting Trees for Mother Earth “ , “ Green Squad- Awareness towards Green Earth “ , “ Women First – Empowerment and Upliftment Woman Life” in India and Africa.

We also strengthen our community by investing both financial and intellectual capital in key non-profit partners. We achieve this through employee-driven service and giving, firmwide community grant making and learning and board service opp- ortunities. Our objective is to make a meaningful difference in the communities we serve.


Project Viruksh

Planting Trees for Mother Earth



Awareness towards Green Earth


Women First

Empowerment and Upliftment Woman Life


Project Viruksh

Do you know exactly how long it took Mother Earth to create the perfect tree? Wait, actually… neither do we. We’ll get back to you on that one. But we do know that the final con- coction was so good, and that the benefits of planting trees are so amazing, that she branched out and made around 60,000 more versions! and reckon there are probably around 60,000 benefits of planting trees.

GD Foundation (Fully Financed and backed by United Petro Group) is planting 100 million native trees in India and Africa regions. We also creating “MINI FOREST “in every villages by using “MAYAWAKI” methods.

Project Viruksh

GD Foundation is extensively working in India and Africa to uplift village woman. Self-reliance and economically upliftment is the main goal of this project. We form Self-Development Women’s group: {20-member per group}. We do micro financing of each group and educate them to adopt a business opportunity. GD fo- undation is also supporting marketplaces for their produce goods.

Goal of 1000 villages per state across the entire country in India.

  • Governing Body
  • Project Advisory Council
  • Finance Management Council
  • Product Marketing Advisory Council
  • Self-Development Women’s group: 20-member small groups
  • Self-working groups: Project or Product based


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"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven"

- Rabindranath Tagore